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About Me

I am Rebecca Pash, a personal trainer, an avid reality tv watcher and a new podcast host. I am originally from Manchester, England and have been living in Tel Aviv, Israel for over 12 years. Over the past 5 years I have changed my career from working in tourism to becoming a personal trainer; studying the course in Hebrew, working in a gym and finally going out on my own. For all of you working in the service industry or an entrepreneur you know that working for yourself comes with its challenges  and when they have happened I didn't know which way to turn and who I could ask for advice.  I felt there was a lack of information in Israel for the English speaking community of women doing amazing and inspirational things. I know all about women in the US and the UK as I was listening to those podcasts everyday but, where were the podcasts here in this country, where are the inspirational women, the entrepreneurs, the small business owners? I wanted to connect to more women living in Israel, understanding their backgrounds, listening to their stories and taking as much advice as I can which is why I launched The Only Way Is Up podcast.



Each week I will chat to women from all over the world who have immigrated to Israel, whether they are entrepreneurs, cancer survivors, mothers, wellness experts, teachers, doctors and many more, everyone has a story to share and can inspire others.  I want to give to the community of immigrants the information that I felt is needed . I want to share with you, the stories and thoughts of some of the most amazing and inspiring women living in israel today. Each of these women made the choice to move country, learn a language, make new friends, join communities, change jobs and set up home in a place where the culture is so different to where they came from but they have managed to overcome those hardships at the beginning to be successful and make positive changes to their lives.



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